Design Team Call: April-Sept 2023 Term

Hello crafty friends! We’re looking for some new additions to our Heffy Doodle Design Team for the new term running April-September 2023. We have several positions available across our team, so perhaps you will find something that suits your skillset just right!
We are open to international applicants (Heffy Doodle is based in the UK), and you don’t need to have any previous Design Team experience in order to apply. We have roles available in the Blog Team, the Instagram Team, and the Video Team. All positions share the following requirements across the board, so no matter which role(s) appeals to you the most, here are some things that you’ll need to be able to do:
- You’ll need to love stamping and making fun, creative projects to share.
- Be able to take quality photographs of your projects with excellent lighting and creative staging.
- Have an active Instagram account. It’s also a bonus if you have a YouTube account and/or blog.
- Use Facebook to interact with the team in a private Facebook group. Additionally, we would like our team to be active in the Heffy Doodlers Facebook group.
- Be eager to help grow the Heffy Doodle brand. We like our team to be encouraging to customers, present their ideas, share advice, give feedback and support each other.
- Create quality projects using Heffy Doodle products. As we want to encourage growth within the industry, you will not be restricted to solely Heffy Doodle products when making your projects, but we ask that Heffy Doodle is the focus of your projects.
- Share your Heffy Doodle creations (your Heffy Doodle projects, sneak peeks or work-in-progress shots, etc.) on social media, with a heavy focus on Instagram.
If you think you would fit the bill, then keep scrolling – we have some more information on what is different about each roll.
We have 3 teams we are looking to fill spots on:
1. Video Team
2. Blog Team
3. Instagram Team
Please read the requirements for each team to ensure you are capable of fulfilling the role(s) you’re applying for:
Video Team Requirements:
- 1 project per month, delivered on assigned days (scheduled 1 week before the video/blog post is due to go live). Video to be shared on the Heffy Doodle YT channel & an accompanying blog post on the Heffy Doodle blog.
- Share your project on your personal IG/social media platforms.
- For each new release, create project samples to market the new products. In addition, share marketing materials (provided by Heffy Doodle) on personal social media platforms.
- Commitment to a 6-month term (with the possibility to remain on the DT beyond this term.)
- Ad hoc participation in collaborations/ hops with other papercrafting companies
Blog Team Requirements:
- 2 projects per month, delivered on assigned days. Blog posts are to be written on the Heffy Doodle Blog 1 week in advance of the post date.
- Share your project on your personal IG/social media platforms.
- For each new release, create project samples to market the new products. In addition, share marketing materials (provided by Heffy Doodle) on personal social media platforms.
- Commitment to a 6-month term (with the possibility to remain on the DT beyond this term.)
- Ad hoc participation in collaborations/ hops with other papercrafting companies
Instagram Team Requirements:
- 4 projects per month, delivered on assigned days. As part of these projects, at least once per month, create an IG story (either a step-by-step or a mini video which can be reposted on the Heffy Doodle IG account.) Post captions and photos of projects are to be emailed 1 week in advance of the post date.
- Share your project on your personal IG/social media platforms.
- For each new release, create project samples to market the new products. In addition, share marketing materials (provided by Heffy Doodle) on personal social media platforms.
- Commitment to a 6-month term (with the possibility to remain on the DT beyond this term.)
- Ad hoc participation in collaborations/ hops with other papercrafting companies
Design Team Compensation:
- Brand new DT members will receive a starter voucher to the Heffy Doodle store.
- For each new release, DT members will receive a selection of products from the release. Additional new products can be obtained in return for additional project samples created.
- Option to participate in monthly collaborations with other companies.
- Opportunity to receive crafty freebies from other companies as part of organised collaborations.
- Option to participate in magazine opportunities.
- Exclusive sneak peeks of not-yet-released products and the opportunity to be involved in product designs
- Promotion on the Heffy Doodle blog, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and other social media accounts.
- Private FB group to use for collaboration, questions, and sneak peeks.
If you are interested in applying for our next 6-month Design Team term, please click here or the button below to complete the application form.
The deadline for applications is the 17th of February 2023. Unfortunately, due to the number of applications we will be unable to respond to all applicants but we will consider everyone. Successful applicants will be contacted prior to the 3rd of March 2023, if you have not been contacted by Heffy Doodle by this date then you are unsuccessful at this time. We will use submitted applications when considering our future monthly Guest Designer opportunities.
Before applying, we do recommend that you take a look at the ‘Tips of applying to a Design Team’ blog post to help with the application process – it covers some great advice for inputting a memorable and eye-catching application.