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Purchases from outside of the UK

If you live outside of the UK and are planning a purchase from our store then please read the following information.

Firstly, thank you for your interest in Heffy Doodle! We love the fact that we have fans all over the world and we are pleased to accept orders from everywhere but it is important for you to know that we ship all orders from the UK and we can only accept payment in £ (GBP / British Pound). This means that you may incur additional fees due to import duty or taxes depending on your country and you may incur a ‘foreign transaction fee’ depending on your debit or credit card provider. These are not fees that we charge and you may not be affected by any of them but we want to make sure that you are aware before ordering with us.


Purchasing from the USA

We know that many of our visitors are based in the USA and the good news is that if you are purchasing items for yourself and your order total is under $800 – you should have no problems getting your package without any additional import fees (you will still need to check with your bank regarding ‘foreign transaction fees’). If your purchase is over $800 then we should probably have a chat to make sure you are doing ok because that’s a lot of stamps!  🙂 This link should provide you with additional information:


Please let us know if you have any other questions or feedback. As a new company, it’s important for us to hear your thoughts and think about ways we can improve.